博鱼·体育(中国)官方入口:三星Galaxy S20系列屏幕细节再曝光:120Hz模式不是想用就能用
【TechWeb】根据官方此前官宣的消息,三星将于北京时间2月12日凌晨3点公布全新的Galaxy S20系列旗舰新机,随着公布时间的邻近,关于该系列机型的外观和配备细节早已获得了更加多的曝光,比如该机即将配备的120Hz刷新率显示屏。...
BOYU SPORTS|放弃iPhone,重拾翻盖手机
“The physical absence was the first thing I noticed,” says Katie Reid, 29, who gave up her iPhone in February for a flip phone. “It felt like somethin...
BOYU SPORTS-东芝假账丑闻的教训 The universal dangers shown by Toshiba’s failings
The causes and consequences of the long-running inflation of profits by Toshiba reflect some uniquely Japanese cultural norms. So, inevitably, did the...
Wireless carrier ATT (T) was the top target of so-called patent trolls in 2013, having been sued more than 54 times by them in 2013—more than once a w...