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用户隐私终占上风 微软胜诉美国司法部‘博鱼·体育(中国)官方入口’

更新时间  2024-10-07 18:28 阅读
本文摘要:The US government cannot force Microsoft to give authorities access to the firms servers located in other countries, a court has ruled. The decision is being seen as a precedent for protecting the privacy of cloud computing services.根据一家法院的近日判决,美国政府无法强制微软公司彰显当局采访海外服务器上的权限。

The US government cannot force Microsoft to give authorities access to the firms servers located in other countries, a court has ruled. The decision is being seen as a precedent for protecting the privacy of cloud computing services.根据一家法院的近日判决,美国政府无法强制微软公司彰显当局采访海外服务器上的权限。这一裁决目前于是以被看做是维护云计算服务隐私的一个先例。The US Department of Justice had wanted to access a server in Ireland, as part of an investigation into a drugs case. The ruling, made by an appeals court, overturns an order granted by a court in Manhattan in 2014.作为针对一起毒品案件调查的一部分,美国司法部想提供权限查阅微软公司坐落于爱尔兰的一个服务器。

一家裁决法院作出了这一判决,上诉了一家曼哈顿法庭在2014年作出的“获准”裁决。The DoJ said it was disappointed by the decision and was considering what it would do next. If it appeals, the case could then move to the US Supreme Court.美国司法部对这一裁决回应沮丧,并且正在考虑到接下来的想。如果司法部裁决的话,这件案子将接管美国最高法院审理。

Microsoft said it welcomed the ruling.微软公司方面则对这一判决回应拒绝接受。It makes clear that the US government can no longer seek to use its search warrants on a unilateral basis to reach into other countries and obtain the emails that belong to people of other nationalities, Brad Smith, president and chief legal officer, of Microsoft told the BBC.微软公司总裁兼首席法务官布拉德·史密斯接管BBC专访时回应:“这份裁决很确切地指出,美国政府很久不需要单方面地用于搜查令转入其他国家、取得归属于其他国家公民的电子邮件了。”It tells people they can indeed trust technology as they move their information to the cloud, he said.他说:“这份裁决告诉他人们,在他们把自己的信息上传遍云服务器上的时候,他们可以确实的信任科技。

”Microsoft thanked the companies that had backed its appeal, which included the likes of Amazon, Apple and Cisco.微软公司对那些反对它上述的公司表示感谢,其中还包括亚马逊、苹果和思科等。Another of Microsofts backers was the Open Rights Group, a UK-based organisation that campaigns for digital rights.微软公司的另一个支持者是“对外开放权利集团”,这是一家英国机构,他们致力于谋求数字权利。

The US Courts decision has upheld the right to individual privacy in the face of the US States intrusion into personal liberty, the groups legal director Myles Jackman said. As a consequence, US law enforcement agencies must respect European citizens digital privacy rights and the protection of their personal data. States should not arbitrarily reach across borders just because they feel they can bully companies into doing so.该的组织法律主管迈尔斯·杰克曼回应:“在面临美国政府侵害个人权利的问题上,美国法庭的这一判决反对了个人隐私权利。因此,美国执法人员部门必需认同欧洲公民的数字隐私权,并且维护他们的个人数据。

美国不应当因为实在自己可以纵容公司,就单方面地越界。”Microsoft had warned that allowing the search warrant to be conducted could open up a global privacy free for all. Other countries, the company said, would perhaps seek to apply their own search warrants to servers located in the US.微软公司此前曾做出警告称之为,如果容许继续执行这次搜查令,那么就将打开全球隐私“不设防”。该公司还回应,其他国家或许也将申请人他们自己的搜查令,来查阅坐落于美国的服务器。

本文关键词:BOYU SPORTS,博鱼·体育,博鱼·体育(中国)官方入口

本文来源:BOYU SPORTS-www.9street.net