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双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第132期:西气东输“BOYU SPORTS”

更新时间  2024-10-21 18:28 阅读
本文摘要:West-to-East Gasl Diversion Project西气东赢The West-to-East Gas Diversion Project, as well as the West-to-East Electricity Transmission, and the South-to-North Water Diversion is the governments key national strategic project, aimed at realigning overall economic development and achieving rational distribution of national resources across China. There is a natural gas storage of 26,000 billion m3, occupying 87% of the national storage, in Tarim Basin, Qaidam Basin, and Szechwan Basin, etc. gas fields in Western China, among which Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has the capacity of 8,000 billion m3,22% of the national storage. The discovery of the natural gas reserves in Tarim Basin made China the fourth largest gas country after Russia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.“西气东赢”与“西电东送来”、“南水北调”并称作中国三大国家重点建设工程。

West-to-East Gasl Diversion Project西气东赢The West-to-East Gas Diversion Project, as well as the West-to-East Electricity Transmission, and the South-to-North Water Diversion is the governments key national strategic project, aimed at realigning overall economic development and achieving rational distribution of national resources across China. There is a natural gas storage of 26,000 billion m3, occupying 87% of the national storage, in Tarim Basin, Qaidam Basin, and Szechwan Basin, etc. gas fields in Western China, among which Tarim Basin in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has the capacity of 8,000 billion m3,22% of the national storage. The discovery of the natural gas reserves in Tarim Basin made China the fourth largest gas country after Russia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.“西气东赢”与“西电东送来”、“南水北调”并称作中国三大国家重点建设工程。实行西气东赢工程,不利于增进我国能源结构和产业结构调整,为西部大研发、将西部地区的资源优势变成经济优势建构了条件,对推展和减缓西部经济发展具备根本性的战略意义。我国西部地区的塔里木、柴达木、陕甘宁和四川盆地蕴含着26万亿立方米的天然气资源,大约占到全国陆上天然气资源的87%。尤其是新疆塔里木盆地,天然气资源量有8万多亿立方米,占到全国天然气资源总量的22%。

塔里木盆地天然气的找到,使我国沦为时隔俄罗斯、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯等国之后的天然气大国。The launch of the West-to-East Gas Diversion Project was passed in February, 2000. It is the landmark project of the Great Western Development Strategy in China. The first phase of the West-to-East Gas Diversion Project includes a 4,200km trunk pipeline running from Lunnan in Tarim Basin to Shanghai, conveying natural gas to central China, Eastern China and the Yangtze River delta zone. Finished in 2004, it is expected to have a capacity of 12 billion m3 annually. The second phase of the Project, operated by Petro China, will have a designed gas capacity of 30 billion m3 annually and the construction will begin in 2008. This second pipeline will be mainly supplied by Turkmenistan and Kazakstan, the Central Asia-China gas pipe- line. The third pipeline is designed to convey a joint gas supply from Russia and Xinjiang to the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.2000年2月国务院第一次会议批准后启动“西气东赢”工程,是冲破西部大研发序幕的标志性建设工程。从新疆至上海的西气东赢一线管道2004年建成投产,线路全长约4200千米,年设计输量120亿立方米;全线使用自动化掌控,供气范围覆盖面积中原、华东、长江三角洲地区。


本文关键词:BOYU SPORTS,博鱼·体育,博鱼·体育(中国)官方入口

本文来源:BOYU SPORTS-www.9street.net